Marcel Nussbaumer
In 2003, I acquired my first Saluki from Jaqi TerHAAR, Sterling Salukis, "Dude" Can. CH. Sterling Zaharah Flamenco, CGN (Phaeton Gemini Louis Lambert x Sterling Ebony Silhouette) was my Introduction to the Saluki world. In 2006, I imported EnAyat NikA Hadi el Basher (Deru Mowgli Hadi el Basher x Zanji Irabi Hadi el Basher) from Belgium, NikA has proven him self in the ring and was pointed in the field. Rah, Barakisch Naxost Xalife (Latif Min El Akbar x Barakisch Javedani Liaqat) came to live with me in 2007. After the loss of Dude & Rah, Py,
Multi best in Field, Multi best in Event, Am. DC, Can. Ch. Swiss Ch.
Karob Pythagoras of Celeritas, Can. FCh. SC, MC, LCM ( Ziba Indus x Karob Artemis At Ephesus) came to live with me and Nika. My hounds are first and foremost companions and live in the House as part of the Family. I participate in conformation showing and lure-coursing. My Salukis are exclusively owner Handled.
I have served as:
-Regional Director BC & Yukon, Saluki Club of Canada
-Show Chair, Saluki Club of Canada
-Publicity Chair, Saluki Club of Canada
-President and Past President, Saluki Club of Canada.
-Secretary for the Swiss Club of Oriental Sighthounds (SCOW),
-Ring Secretary for the SKG (Schweizerische Kynologische Gesellschaft).
-Assessor of the exhibition commission for the Swiss Retriever Club.