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Multi best in Field, Multi best in Event, Am. DC, Can. Ch. Swiss Ch.
Karob Pythagoras of Celeritas, Can. FCh. SC, MC, LCM
*Feb. 20.2006 - Dec. 15. 2015
Breeder: Karen & Robert Frost / Karob
Loved by Marcel Nussbaumer / Enayat

"My Love and Soulmate,
We had love between us,
We had time against us,
We cherished every minute that we
could spend together,
but future dreams can never last.
An invincible leash will keep us tied forever!
I will feel your breath when you are near,
I try to smile although a tear may be ever so near.
Thank you for letting me walk by your side,
now keep moving on to a higher ground,
run gently my friend until the time
has come to meet again!"

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